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Snake Mite
4 Posts |
Posted - 14/04/2011 : 06:53:12
Hello everyone :) Name is Lindsey and my family has acquired a new baby female hognose (named Adelina) a few months ago. I used to work at a zoo and that is where I fell in love with the snake as a whole. Got my husband interested and it all went "downhill" from there :)
I consider myself an average/moderate enthusiast as well someone who is easy peasy to talk to.
So I know what all of you really want is pictures so here you go. Keep in mind she is still shy so better pictures will come soon.

One question though... Does she seem like she has a good bit of reddish color in her? I am thinking she might have some but I am unsure. And if so is there a name for this darker/redder color? |
3 year old Bearded Dragon ~ baby western hognose ~ 2 dumbo rats |
Yearling Hoggie
United Kingdom
624 Posts |
Posted - 14/04/2011 : 09:11:58
She's beautiful - oh, and welcome to the forum! She does look like a normal colour, i.e. not an albino, but the basic colour can vary quite a lot. You get some really reddish hoggies, through to those, like mine, who are quite green. But maybe some of the other forum members can tell you what they think - I don't know much about the breeding side of things and all the recessive genes! |
1.0.0. Western hognose (Baldrick) 0.1.0. Amel bloodred corn snake (Cornflake) R.I.P. Bob (Western hognose) |
Snake Mite
4 Posts |
Posted - 14/04/2011 : 09:17:19
Yeah I have seen the "green" you are talking about. The breeder that had her...all the other babies were that shade. Which is why I was so surprised to see this deep brown/red. To be honest I have been used to that lighter color until I saw this little girl. |
3 year old Bearded Dragon ~ baby western hognose ~ 2 dumbo rats |

United Kingdom
78 Posts |
Posted - 14/04/2011 : 10:05:41
Hi and welcome, she is lovely :) |
Hognose Admin
260 Posts |
Posted - 14/04/2011 : 11:00:47
Hi and welcome. I can't help with the colouring side of things either, but I to have one that is a reddish colour. I just put it down to being a different colour than the rest.  |
-=Kehhlyr - The Resident Loon SOME OF MY ANIMALS

Hatchling Hoggie
144 Posts |
Posted - 14/04/2011 : 12:12:33
Hi and welcome. Lovely looking girl you have there can't help with colours either I'm afraid |
  1.1 Extreme Red Albino Hognose 0.1.0 normal 100% het orange albino hognose 0.1.0 Normal hognose 3.5 Royal Python 0.1.0 Cornsnake
Yearling Hoggie
United Kingdom
624 Posts |
Posted - 14/04/2011 : 13:43:37
Mandie is quite hot on this sort of thing if she's around... I think your hog is probably just of the normal type but if she does have any unusual genes in her, they might show up if you ever breed from her. |
1.0.0. Western hognose (Baldrick) 0.1.0. Amel bloodred corn snake (Cornflake) R.I.P. Bob (Western hognose) |
Snake Mite
4 Posts |
Posted - 14/04/2011 : 17:40:26
Thanks for all the welcomes! I am glad to have found a community of hoggie owners specifically. Even if I am not from the UK. |
3 year old Bearded Dragon ~ baby western hognose ~ 2 dumbo rats |
Hatchling Hoggie
185 Posts |
Posted - 14/04/2011 : 17:59:00
HI and welcome, you'd need to take photo's with a neutral background to give a better view of her colouring I have them aslorts of colours from Chestnut brown to lime green all varieties of normal until they prove otherwise.
As you're a stateside owner its possible you have a red phase, red hasn't been proven to be a morph as such but can be improved with line breeding. With hognose you just never know until you start to breed and something interesting pops out the egg then the real work starts trying to breed and figure out if its anything to carry forward or just a one off. |
Snake Mite
4 Posts |
Posted - 14/04/2011 : 18:33:36
TBH I would like to breed them but I have never tried to deliberatly breed anything before and on top of that don't really know the first thing about breeding snakes in the more general sense of the word. But it does have its appeal all the same!
I will see if I can get some pics of her later today with a more neutral background (I assume white would be best? She is still a bit shy but I will see what I can manage without stressing her to much. |
3 year old Bearded Dragon ~ baby western hognose ~ 2 dumbo rats |
Snake Mite
United Kingdom
5 Posts |
Posted - 15/04/2011 : 21:01:48
she is a wee cracker and welcome to the forum |
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