Have you changed it recently sexychef? what is it supposed to look like? It should update your sig to all previous posts. could be some kind of cache issue (just try a Ctrl + Refresh) does that work? I'm seeing a pinky red banner with sexychef & hogtanian with thehognosesnake.co.uk in yellow in the top right. Tell me if this work?
Would you mind letting me know where I can get a sig from please.. tried uploading a slideshow from photobucket, but cannot seem to get it to work properly (the nickname says it all!)
I love the one's that scroll through like Kazerella and some other have on here and TCS
And yes... I am supposed to be working from home today... - this counts as work doesn't it?!?!!
Hi there - I don't think a photobucket slide show will work. You can use images from photobucket but would have to create an animated gif image to use if you wanted it to move. you can use photoshop if you have access to it - but it's quite complicated to use for animation for someone who has never used it before. Not sure how else you could do it without photoshop.
thank you lewy that worked cheers mate. as far as the sig thing technobimbo im not sure how to get a slide show sig but if you want a basic sig use something like www.mybannermaker.com quite easy and its free (you do need to delete a bit of the IMG CODE) or if you have software like photoshop or similar you can use that.